
digital imaging

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


My influences are pulled from many different forms of art, from the colorful paint splatters of Jackson Pollock to the abstract surrealism of Salvadore Dali. I love looking at any types of art and trying to find meaning in them, even if there isnt supposed to be any. One of my favorite forms of art is the plain black and white photograph, because if a photo is truly a good piece of work, there is so much of the subject that can be left open to interpretation, especially if it lacks colors. Chuck Close is also a huge role model and inspiration to me because of the fact that even in the face of a disability, he still is one of the greatest modern artists of all time after all that he has been through. i hope to one day set my own personal style that reflects some of my influences, and someday i want to inspire others the way these artists did for me. :)

MC Escher
(Wentelteefjes! <3)

Jackson Pollock

Salvador Dali

Chuck Close

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