
digital imaging

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Other Influences

Other favorite people of mine have little or nothing to do with the "fine arts" category, such as painting or drawing, but still inspire me in other areas. I love fashion, jewelry, movies, music, and all other branches of artistic talents that people may have, and because of this, I have many fashion designers, actors, and musicians as well that also heavily influence my work, whether I am drawn to objects they created, their strong personality, or their sound. Many of these people are women, mainly because I have a great admiration for those of the female sex who have changed history or contributed a great amount to society throughout their careers.

Audrey Hepburn was an incredible actor with poise, and a great outlook on life who made history in the film Breakfast at Tiffany's, as well as a fashion icon for every girl in America to look up to. She always encouraged everyone to be their own person, and her advice was to love who you are at all times without being someone you're not.

Coco Chanel was one of the 100 most inspirational people of the 20th century, according to Time magazine. She lived in an orphanage for seven years of her life, later becoming a seamstress. I admire the way she started out as a poor girl with nothing and built up her life until she could make a name for herself, later becoming incredibly famous, all on her own with little help from others. Her clothing and jewelry designs were always simple, yet chic and classy at the same time, and the Chanel empire has become a huge legacy since her death that will continue to inspire designers around the world for many years to come.

Victoria Beckham, another great influence on me, is extremely fashionable, and she always looks amazing in everything she wears. I never put much stock in her background as a "spice girl", but after she retired from singing, she became much more well-known for her great taste in clothes, makeup and especially her signature haircut. Her confidence and maturity is inspiring to me, as well as her personal style in all aspects of her appearance.

I think Betsey Johnson is such an amazing designer and an incredible personality in the world of fashion. When you first see her with her crazy makeup and strange hairdos, she's just so out there that you immediately think of her as weird. But the truth is that in her line of work, Betsey Johnson does what every other person around her should: she bases her designs and lifestyle on what she herself likes, rather than conforming to societal standards, whether it's her clothes, her hair, or her lingerie line.

My artwork is also influenced by different types of music as well. I listen to many genres, and I have a wide variety of favorites. To name a few, usually when I'm working on a project I will listen to Taking Back Sunday, The Honorary Title, and AFI, as well as tons of other bands.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


My influences are pulled from many different forms of art, from the colorful paint splatters of Jackson Pollock to the abstract surrealism of Salvadore Dali. I love looking at any types of art and trying to find meaning in them, even if there isnt supposed to be any. One of my favorite forms of art is the plain black and white photograph, because if a photo is truly a good piece of work, there is so much of the subject that can be left open to interpretation, especially if it lacks colors. Chuck Close is also a huge role model and inspiration to me because of the fact that even in the face of a disability, he still is one of the greatest modern artists of all time after all that he has been through. i hope to one day set my own personal style that reflects some of my influences, and someday i want to inspire others the way these artists did for me. :)

MC Escher
(Wentelteefjes! <3)

Jackson Pollock

Salvador Dali

Chuck Close